Welcome! My name is Petrina Ferguson. This is impacting righteously blog where you will find healing Bible truth, popular opinions and typical ideologies revisited and often refuted when aligned with God’s word. My aim is to be an encourager and a godly influence in life, including in my writing.
There is a problem in many of the churches, where too many prevalent issues that disproportionately affect women and others who are not typically in positions of power within the church are glossed over.
I highlight darkness that is often glossed over: misogyny, false doctrine being taught, pride and hypocrisy is common among many professed Christians.
This darkness begins in the heart, permeates the homes, spreads to the churches and infects and affects society overall. Generation to generation, these cycles repeat, but these problems are not typically addressed as they should be.
Many professing Christian men and women date and marry while influenced by ungodly examples and false teachings. I hope to reach some women proactively before they get caught up in such a mess as marrying into cult traditions or marrying ungodly men who are masquerading as saints.
The answer for these problems is not religious misogyny or radical feminism. The solutions are found in God’s word.
Taking life’s problems into consideration in light of God’s word brings healing truth. On behalf of God and humanity, I desire to see all forms of abuse and perversion exposed, especially that which is happening among professed Christians. I pray these sins are exposed, addressed, repented of, and that hearts are healed and transformed by the power of God!