What are people chasing? What or who are they yearning for? Why the restlessness? Why the feelings of hopelessness for so many? Why do some people feel that no matter what they do, it is never enough?
Why do so many women idolize love, men, and marriage? Why do some men chase sex or obsess over money and power? Why do so many people seek escape and look for distraction through varying and sometimes destructive behaviors?
People who are constantly searching and are never satisfied have a hole in their heart.
It is a God void. This void people have (whether they know it or not) cannot be filled by anyone else or anything else, but God. To look elsewhere for true and complete fulfillment is futile. Yet, the adversary has people deceived. He distracts people with drugs, alcohol, sex, relationships, material possessions, ideas, fantasies, various addictions…anything other than God Himself.
He lures people with things that technically are not bad in and of themselves ( such as making money, being successful, relationships, marriage, etc). He lures people with bait that initially appears to be the answer for their problems.
– Many men feel momentarily and falsely affirmed by taking as many women as possible to bed.
– Throughout their lives, some women chase their dream of being cherished and faithfully loved by a man, but this dream never becomes reality, because these ladies keep becoming involved with the wrong men.
– Some people’s jobs become their idol.
– Many women obsess over wanting to get married.
– Money is a common idol.
If only people could make more money…
If only people could reach the next highest level and position.
– People idolize celebrities and various people and things.
– Some people idolize goals.
However, temporary pleasure, personal accomplishments, people, places and things don’t bring the true fulfillment or peace that comes from Jesus Christ alone.
Therefore, I have learned that all I do should be done in obedience to God to bring honor and glory to Him.
The Bible says, “And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.” Colossians 3: 17(KJV)
– I desire a God-fearing husband one day.
– If I marry, my goal is to glorify God in my marriage; not simply to just be married.
– If I am already lonely, marriage is not going to cure my loneliness.
– If I am already unhappy, marriage is not going to cure my unhappiness.
– In fact, marriage, though a blessing, will bring it’s own share of challenges and problems.
– Some married people are very lonely; some unmarried people are not lonely.
– Some married people are mad; some unmarried people are glad.
– For a woman, being lonely and or needy can attract predators. It is as if they can smell desperation on a woman.
– More women than men file for divorce; yet, girls and women tend to obsess over marriage more in the first place.
Marriage is honorable and a beautiful thing, but will bring distractions, trials, and new obligations.
Apostle Paul says, “I want you to be free from the concerns of this life. An unmarried man can spend his time doing the Lord’s work and thinking how to please him. But a married man has to think about his earthly responsibilities and how to please his wife. His interests are divided.
In the same way, a woman who is no longer married or has never been married can be devoted to the Lord and holy in body and in spirit. But a married woman has to think about her earthly responsibilities and how to please her husband. I am saying this for your benefit, not to place restrictions on you. I want you to do whatever will help you serve the Lord best, with as few distractions as possible.”
– 1 Corinthians 7: 33-35.
The purpose of marriage is to glorify God.
I believe that being married to the right person, according to God’s will is totally worth the trials and the challenges. Without God in every aspect of life, including my marriage, things would not work out well.
Two flawed humans becoming one is not pretty, unless God is at the center of it all, molding each spouse and the marriage after His will.
• What is important is for me to do the will of God from a pure heart, whether married or single.
• As a married woman, I am to submit to the will of God and be the wife He calls me to be.
• When I am working for my employer, I work for the Lord. This helps me be an enjoyable and productive, faithful employee.
• When I am satisfied in Jesus Christ, I am able to seek God’s will, trust and wait on Him in my love life and in all aspects of life.
• This will ensure my safety, my spiritual, mental, and physical well-being.
• When I love and bless others, it is to glorify God.
• When I am content and full of the joy of the Lord, I don’t need to seek escape from reality through any debauchery.
• When I rest in God’s sovereignty and provision, I won’t need to chase reality away with alcohol or drugs.
Life is all about pleasing God.
Marriage in and of itself will not fulfill me. God fulfills me. A loving, Christ-centered marriage is one of many blessings that is a gift from God. Worship and exalt the Giver; not the gift.
“Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.” James 1: 17 (NLT).
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