Many women are quite unhappy. I hope for and pray for peace and joy in the lives of others. Like anyone else, I have moods that fluctuate. For every problem there is a solution.
Peace and joy come to me when I focus on God as my source. It is an ongoing reality that I need to focus on God in all of my circumstances, in order to have peace.
There are many reasons for unhappiness. People deal with a lot. In this post, are just a few common reasons for unhappiness among women that I have observed. Based on my observations of others, and some of my own experiences, here are eight ways women can live more peaceful, joyful lives.
1. By having healthy romantic relationships and marriages.
For the most part, my most miserable times have been in previous toxic relationships. With other women I know, the same is true. Their complaints typically revolve around relationship problems with their men. Women shouldn’t be afraid to be alone, rather than in unhealthy situations.
Problems will always arise in relationships. I’m not encouraging women to leave relationships because of typical ups and downs occurring in healthy relationships. I’m talking about chronically toxic relationships that aren’t going to work.
Christian women should always keep God first and seek His guidance. For anyone, healthy self-love and healthy self-esteem is crucial. Having high enough standards, reasonable, healthy boundaries and sticking to them is necessary.
2. By avoiding single motherhood.
Parenthood is not a one-person show. It takes two people to procreate. Ideally, it takes two people at least, to raise a child. Single parenting happens, but it is not ideal and is typically a lot more difficult.
After having married wisely is the best and safest situation for people to have children in.
3. By not trying to “have it all.”
Historically, many women have not been respected enough for all that they do in public and especially, for what they do behind the scenes. In addition, some women have been stuck in dangerous situations, trapped in abusive marriages without outside jobs.
Consequently, some women have either rejected or put on the back burner traditional women’s roles, such as being stay-at-home mothers and wives.
Others want to “have it all.” They want to be successful, full-time mothers, full-time, successful wives and respected career women. Many women are doing very well as loving mothers and wives, but feel they must have careers and do many other things in order to do better.
Sometimes, two incomes are needed per household. However, for women who don’t necessarily need to work for the income, it is no less respectable to be stay-at-home wives / mothers than it is to work outside the home. Some babysitters are not safe for the children they are caring for. Some daycare staff are not safe either. A loving mother is safe.
Many wives take on twice the burdens that they should have. Typically, wives still do most of the child-rearing and home making. Many work a 40-hour week outside of the home, in addition to this. They are tired, they are burned out. Still, some do not feel appreciated and respected enough.
The truth of the matter is that no one can “have it all.” It is good for women to remember this, rightly prioritize, and plan accordingly.
4. Truly embracing God-given, healthy femininity.
Healthy femininity entails having self-respect, dignity, healthy self-love. Due to sin, and in response to being taken advantage of, played, abused and objectified, some women are losing their feminine grace.
Some women have become brutish, increasingly promiscuous, cold-hearted and callous. Many are practicing bad behaviors that some men have been doing for a long time and have been praised for.
This is not equality. Women should not seek to emulate such. Often, behaving as they see certain men behave makes women lonely and miserable.
Instead of emulating toxic behaviors, such as playing the field and breaking hearts, women should safeguard themselves from the toxic men who do these things. Women should respect themselves, honor and safeguard their bodies.
It is harder for a woman to embrace her gentle side when she is allowing herself to be mistreated by a man. Her defenses will be up and she won’t be able to relax in her femininity, because the man is not showing her that he is protective and that she is safe.
Some women play the game like some lost men do. It is a game that has no winners. For example, I don’t believe many women are actually satisfied with, or prefer casual sex in general, including one night stands. It is important for women to walk in their feminine grace. Indeed, that femininity may be expressed a bit differently, depending on the individual.
However, generally speaking, many women are happier when they are embracing their God-given femininity. This includes having self-respect, respecting others and not allowing themselves to be used and abused.
5. By obtaining knowledge on how to take better care of their bodies and applying it.
Plenty women have reproductive health problems that they do not know how to deal with or resolve. These health problems can arise for different reasons, possibly due somewhat to genetics.
Often, these health issues come primarily from environmental factors such as endocrine disruptors, pesticides, personal hygeine products, chemicals in foods including conventional dairy and meats.
This can cause hormonal imbalances, which results in a slew of health problems. Seems some women do not know this. Some have heard about it, but may not take it seriously.
If you would like to check it out, I wrote the post The War On Our bodies, which is my testimony, along with researched info on the importance of nutrition for a woman’s reproductive health.
There is well-researched, well-written data out there on how to utilize natural, God-given medicine, which is certain herbs, organic fruits and vegetables, and healthy lifestyle for wellness.
Although I’m speaking on women’s health, the same goes for men. For both men and women, healthy food and lifestyle is very important for the body.
6. Putting away Envy.
Some women are envious of others, covetous too. Some women envy other women, they envy other people’s situations and a variety of things. This can lead to resentment, misery and a lack of gratitude. Yet, the Bible tells us to be content with such things as we have.
“Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.” Hebrews 13: 5- 6.
When I have desires that have not been fulfilled, it is easy for me to get an attitude and become resentful. Instead, I ought to pray, make my requests known to God, do the best I can do, be thankful and be patient.
7. By putting away bitterness, unforgiveness and doing necessary healing.
Due to various life circumstances, disappointments and hardships, some women end up being very bitter. Forgiveness helps people not to become bitter.
Another way to not be bitter is to make very wise and careful decisions, so that we limit unfavorable outcomes. A primary way to avoid bitterness is to give our problems to God.
When I begin to feel bitter about circumstances, I have to pray, confess to God and remember His commandment to put away all bitterness. I ask Him to help me do it.
Holding myself accountable helps with bitterness, too. I have gotten myself into undesirable situations and gotten upset. Then, I realized and had to own that I had no one to blame but myself. The situations were lessons to be learned from.
Sometimes, bad things happen, regardless of the wise decisions made. Life can seem unfair. Still, it is important to forgive others and cast our cares upon Jesus, because He cares for us. Depending on the situations, professional counseling and therapy can be very useful as well, for some individuals.
8. Last, but not least, by keeping God first and having a right, healthy relationship with Him.
God is our ultimate source and He commands us to have no other gods before Him (Exodus 20: 3). We need God for peace and joy. We need Him desperately for everything; for all around provision, which includes His protection and direction.
Helpful Bible verses:
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Phillipians 4: 6-7.
“Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” 1 Peter 5: 6-7.
“Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:
And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.“
Ephesians 4: 31-32.
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