It can happen to anybody. People can and do fall in love with ideas. There are people who fall in love with the idea of love. Sometimes, people fall in love with the idea of someone. Others may fall in love with the idea of something. When it comes to the actual reality of a relationship, the reality can be quite different than the idea. To love someone is a choice; not simply a feeling. […]
It is sad that some women feel that their bodies are being shamed by conservatives and other people in general. We live in an age of “liberation” where there is an almost anything goes mentality. In the past, many women dressed classy, looked attractive and elegant, all while keeping their clothes on. I don’t know how many, if any, felt ashamed of their bodies for covering themselves up. I understand times have changed. Now, when […]
“I’m Allowed… I’m A Guy.” Judging Double Standards By God’s Word.
“No big deal…He’s a guy.” “I can… I’m a guy!” “What do you expect?! He’s a guy!” Have you ever heard that or something similar? Chances are, you have heard it or something similar numerous times. When certain types of unacceptable behaviors have been done by men or boys, this is often the explanation or justification: “I’m a guy… ““Oh it’s all right, he’s just a guy…”“Boys will be boys!” If you are anything like […]
There are exceptions, to this scenario, but typically, some men want the easy way out. The less they are required to do, the less they will do. When a woman gives away everything to a man outside of marriage and outside of total commitment, she will likely end up used and remain unmarried. Yet, many girls and women are conditioned to believe that they have to give away pretty much everything, in order to keep […]
In short, idolatry is the worship of anyone or anything, prioritizing them above God. It is anyone or anything that actually takes the place of God in someone’s heart and life. It could be someone idolizing a job, a celebrity, a spouse, a child, an idea, etc. It is worshiping someone or something else as a god, instead of worshipping the one and true living God. For many women, they often unknowingly make an idol […]
To sum it up briefly, people feel inferior because others have caused them to feel inferior. Feelings of inferiority are learned. I have felt secondary and less than in my past. This did not come naturally to me, but was based on how others treated me. That is, until I realized the way I was being made to feel was a lie. From my own experiences and based on what I have observed, there are […]
What could a man need more than sex? Nothing, right? Well I would normally believe that as well. However, I know of at least multiple men who have pointed out that…drum roll, please…they need respect, even more than sex. Yes, for some (maybe not all) men, respect is more important than sex! This is very important for me as a woman to remember, whether single, in a courtship or married. There is a reason that women […]
For the woman who wants to do what is pleasing to God and marry a like-minded man, these are very important issues to discuss and be in agreement on…before marriage. Surprisingly, some people do not discuss and agree on some very important issues that should be agreed upon before marriage. They run into problems because of this after they are married. It is very wise to discuss things like fundamental values / principles and other […]
In this post, I am going to discuss the importance of boundaries, standards and how we teach other people how to treat us. Since some of my previous experiences in relationships, I have reflected and realized that I allowed things I should not have allowed. This was my fault. I’m not accountable for someone else’s behavior, but I’m certainly responsible for not accepting their bad behaviors. It is evident that we should all treat each other […]
In this post, I will address some chronic, obscured attacks on our wellness. This is a long post, but please bear with me. These are some facts you may not learn at your doctor’s office. I am going to be addressing health in general, but in particular, women’s health in this post. If there are any men reading, you may (or may not) want to bypass this one! Some people may already be aware of […]