2020 has been a year similar to what I expected for 2000. The year 2000 wasn’t terribly eventful. Nineteen years pretty much flew by. Toward the end of 2019 around September or so, for some reason, I began to watch videos about minimalism, living off grid, tiny houses, and composting toilets. I’m not sure I’d ever go with a composting toilet, by the way! At the end of 2019, I felt in my spirit something […]
• Ever have someone whisper about you behind your back? • Did the rumors about you spread like wildfire and people’s attitudes and behavior toward you inexplicably changed in a negative way? • Has anyone ever suddenly begun to acted strangely toward you to your face for unknown reasons? • Has anyone purposefully excluded you? • Has anyone picked verbal or physical altercations with you? • Has anyone slandered and or sabotaged you on purpose? […]
Crazy question, right? It is yet another idea that devalues women. I have heard some strange teachings. I touched on this topic before on my spiritual abuse post here and how God set me free with His healing truth here. There are lies that have been taught, and are being taught. What if some unfortunate girls or ladies believe this lie, like I used to? In this post, I am going to present the truth […]
This is a be on the lookout, cautionary post. This is one of those under- acknowledged topics. I am bringing attention to it, because it is a dangerous world out there. Some women are not living in awareness. This can cause them to miss major red flags. Red flags should be caught early on, if possible, and appropriate actions should be taken accordingly. Due to my observations and experiences, I am more careful now. A […]
I am going to talk about what it means to be a woman. It is well understood by many that women have been mistreated, used, abused, and oppressed throughout history. Eventually, things began to come full circle. Women have sought true justice, pursuing their God-given human rights and statuses as image bearers of God. Unfortunately, some women have also gone the extreme route and are now esteeming themselves as “goddesses” and superior to men. They […]
In this post I’m going to discuss what it means to be feminine in a godly way. I am aware that not everybody is a believer and follower of Jesus Christ. As a Christian, I understand that there is only one way for things to get better for humanity. The only way is to do things God’s way. We live in an age of people calling wrong right and right wrong, rampant radical feminism, misogyny, […]
I don’t have enough room to list every single blessing I am grateful for. However, here is a short list: • I am thankful to be a daughter of God. • I am thankful for God’s word, His grace, love, mercy, forgiveness and goodness to all. • I am thankful to be alive and well. • I am thankful for all family and friends. • I am thankful for food, clothing, shelter, employment, and transportation. […]
Are the best men for relationships tall, dark and handsome with bulging muscles, good game, and popular with the ladies? How about shorter, blond, light eyes, lots of money and charm? While those characteristics are not necessarily wrong, they are superficial traits. They fall under the category of preferences; not standards. Moral standards are far more important than personal preferences. I have learned to be much more concerned about a man’s character than superficial traits […]
I am going to talk about God’s purpose for authority. A lot of people are obsessed with power. Some have their own definition for it, and misuse it. Along with that comes various types of abuse. The problem is that people have gotten away from the true source of authentic power- God. Why do people have authority? Who do they get it from? What is the real purpose for power or authority? Self-importance? To control […]
Hearing wedding bells? It is a no-brainer, right? How can you marry someone you don’t trust? The truth is, some women seem to come under some kind of spell when in love with their men. They are not able to think clearly. In these situations, a woman may take a big gamble. Sometimes, she enters into a situation or marriage that she actually knows better than to enter into. Sometimes, a woman becomes careless and […]