The issues I will discuss do not apply to all men. There are wonderful men out there who are loyal and respect women as well as themselves. There are also men who have made mistakes in their past like anyone else, and perhaps used to be a player before, but have since matured and become better people. For current players, it is possible they still can change. God is in the business of changing hearts […]
Women have had real problems since the fall of mankind in the garden of Eden, when both Adam and Eve were removed from the garden. As women, we do play pivotal roles in our own plights. Thankfully, women do not have to suffer so much. In many cases, it is optional. Symbolically speaking, as it pertains to how women have related to men throughout time, some women have run zealously into the mouths of angry, […]
The Only Source Of True Contentment And Satisfaction.
Feeling lonely? Bored? Dissatisfied? How can a man (or woman) be content? Many people believe that their happiness comes from their circumstances. Women often chase after the love of a man, but will this truly satisfy a woman? I used to be very consumed with finding Mr. Right. I am still learning to be content in every season. Truth is, we are only able to be content when we are in total surrender to the […]
First, I acknowledge that there will always be exceptions. I write about the culture in which we live, where boys are typically conditioned one way, and girls another way. Obviously, these types of situations do not apply to everyone. Rather, these are “norms” in our culture. I write based on my personal observation and experiences. However, there is research done that coincides with what I have observed. Here are some differences in the way boys […]
Feeling hungry for love and devalued after years of spiritual abuse and female degredation, I began a search for validation. I desired to be loved and accepted for who I was. I wanted to be valued, appreciated; not just tolerated, accused, and used. Within the religious circles I was exposed to, there was a lot of contempt and hostility toward women. I could not even depend on self-proclaimed men of God to love and respect […]
I have acknowledged a prior distorted sense of who I was concerning my identity and purpose as a woman, and my misunderstanding of God, due to false religious teachings. I will elaborate more on that in this post. Teachings I heard insinuated that a woman was never really even meant to be. Implication was that the woman was created only as an afterthought when God had a light bulb moment, and realized that His wonderful […]
I was quite messed up spiritually in my younger years. False doctrine and spiritual abuse, detrimental ideology, wrong conditioning, ignorance, and the hypocrisy that plagues society has significantly and uniquely affected many women. In fact, I am one of those women. One reason spiritual abuse is so damaging is that it tends to completely distort someone’s understanding of who they are, and who God really is. This can cause someone to feel inferior and alienated […]