The plight of black people and others who suffer true injustice and discrimination is real and tragic. For far too long, justice and equality has not existed for some. Throughout history, steps have been made toward improvement. As of lately, there seems to be more progress. In pretty much every institution and system- whether it be healthcare, the workforce, the judicial system, and education system, slavery has been cleverly disguised, but has continued. People have...
People desire to feel respected, valued, loved, and appreciated. Certainly, men and women need and desire respect. I have learned that for men, respect is particularly important. The Bible commands in Ephesians 5: 33, “Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.” Here are ways a wife can show respect to her husband man: – Admire him. Men tend...
A root problem for girls and women is the fact that some have been brainwashed. They have been falsely indoctrinated by romance novels and fairy tales. Some women waste a lot of time with the wrong men, and stay in relationship traps because they are trying to make romance novels come to fruition in their own life. It is important to note that what is read in the romance novels and heard about in the...
“Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, AS UNTO the weaker vessel and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.” 1 Peter 3: 7 KJV. This is a verse that I have heard used against women and used out of context. Could it really be that this verse means that all around, women are weaker than men in every way?...
2020 has been a year similar to what I expected for 2000. The year 2000 wasn’t terribly eventful. Nineteen years pretty much flew by. Toward the end of 2019 around September or so, for some reason, I began to watch videos about minimalism, living off grid, tiny houses, and composting toilets. I’m not sure I’d ever go with a composting toilet, by the way! At the end of 2019, I felt in my spirit something...
I am going to talk about what it means to be a woman. It is well understood by many that women have been mistreated, used, abused, and oppressed throughout history. Eventually, things began to come full circle. Women have sought true justice, pursuing their God-given human rights and statuses as image bearers of God. Unfortunately, some women have also gone the extreme route and are now esteeming themselves as “goddesses” and superior to men. They...
In this post I’m going to discuss what it means to be feminine in a godly way. I am aware that not everybody is a believer and follower of Jesus Christ. As a Christian, I understand that there is only one way for things to get better for humanity. The only way is to do things God’s way. We live in an age of people calling wrong right and right wrong, rampant radical feminism, misogyny,...
In my posts, am I just being negative? To me, the answer to this is a no-brainer, in that reality is not always warm and fuzzy. It is not about me being negative. There are major problems in the world that are surrounded by too much silence. For example, many women, including myself, have been greatly affected by gender bias, spiritual and other types of abuse. This is quite common, even in this 21st century...
By now, it is probably evident that I am not a fan of seeing all the problems many women go through. In particular, I hate to see what many go through in their relationships and marriages. The woman of God must be armed with God’s truth at all times. This is applicable before and during marriage. We are always dealing with seed being sown, whether spiritually or in the natural. Words are seed. Our mind...
Femininity, when examined according to God’s word is very different from both societal expectations and societal pressures on women. I have to be careful to resist the temptation to conform to societal or any other ungodly influence. Let’s look into the word of God to see what God requires a woman to be like. 1) She is to love God with all of her heart, soul, mind and strength; and to love her neighbor as...