Women have a crucial role to play, married or unmarried. Despite the fact that social conditioning, combined with natural wiring influences many women to (sometimes obsessively) pursue relationships and love, marriage on earth is not the end all. I would love to see more and more women take a leading role in making lasting, positive impact, and contributing to much needed change in the world we live in, regardless of relationship or marital status. For...
When a man truly loves a woman, he will show it in how he gives her his time and effort. He will show his love in how he treats her in a loyal and loving way. He will also be consistent. The woman on the receiving end of his love will not have to play a guessing game. The proof of his love will be in his behaviors more so than in his words. Other...
There are many perks to being a woman. Living righteously adds even more joy to our lives! However, sometimes, the things we think and do are not righteous, and can cause unnecessary pain and stress in our lives. Here are some joy stealers to avoid: 1) Having idols Whether it be the idol of happiness, having a man in our life, or coveting other people, places, things and situations. For Christians, God is our source...
Women should love one another; not treat each other as opponents. Some women have contempt for other women. Some women will go to bed with another woman’s man. One dirty trick is for a woman to “befriend” a woman to get close to her man and see how far she can get with him. There is often gossiping, petty competition, backstabbing, rivalry and more. These issues transcend age. For some reason, this problem is one...
A man who does not fear God will not do right and cannot truly live with godly purpose. Best believe it. “By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil.” Proverbs 16: 6 KJV. By the fear of the Lord men depart from evil. A man who does not fear God can be fully aware of the God given call on him to live a righteous life, and...
Why do many women believe they can change a man? Why not go for the kind of men they desire in the first place, instead of settling for someone different, then hoping and dreaming of changing him? Some women put themselves out to be burned over and over again. This can lead to bitterness. One thing I want to make sure I am free of is unforgiveness. If I am unforgiving, it is a heavy...
First, if you have not read the first post on this topic, you can find it here. I believe women have been commonly left in the dark when it comes to much of the behavior of some men. Some men have not been honest. Because women are not men, men can tell women something about men that is not true. Understandably, some women believe it. One of the falsehoods told to women is the fact...
Women have had real problems since the fall of mankind in the garden of Eden, when both Adam and Eve were removed from the garden. As women, we do play pivotal roles in our own plights. Thankfully, women do not have to suffer so much. In many cases, it is optional. Symbolically speaking, as it pertains to how women have related to men throughout time, some women have run zealously into the mouths of angry,...
Feeling lonely? Bored? Dissatisfied? How can a man (or woman) be content? Many people believe that their happiness comes from their circumstances. Women often chase after the love of a man, but will this truly satisfy a woman? I used to be very consumed with finding Mr. Right. I am still learning to be content in every season. Truth is, we are only able to be content when we are in total surrender to the...
Feeling hungry for love and devalued after years of spiritual abuse and female degredation, I began a search for validation. I desired to be loved and accepted for who I was. I wanted to be valued, appreciated; not just tolerated, accused, and used. Within the religious circles I was exposed to, there was a lot of contempt and hostility toward women. I could not even depend on self-proclaimed men of God to love and respect...