One of the primary reasons a woman cannot leave a man who is not good to her or good for her is because she is having sex with him or has had sex with him. Yes, it is a real thing. She has super-bonded herself to him through sex. Sex is not the only reason, but it is a primary reason some women find it very difficult to leave. There are women who know in...
When a man wants and loves the woman he deems right for himself, he will clearly show her this. If he doesn’t ladies, you really don’t have to try so hard to get a man to see your worth. A man who is not working to get to know you and prove he is worth your while is not for you. There are many women who like men who don’t like them back, because these...
“Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations.” Psalms 100: 4-5 NKJV. From how God blesses and protects us in how He provides food, clothing, shelter and transportation, there is much to be thankful for. The way God provides employment and gives us the ability to work; in the ways that God protects people even during natural circumstances...
As women, we can be tempted to believe we can fix men. But that’s God’s job. How can a man love you when he cannot receive love from heavenly Father God? How can anyone give love when they have not received love? You cannot give away what you don’t have. This goes for men and women. There is something in some women that causes them to idolize men and pretty much use God as a...
Every good leader is a follower, except when the leader is God. God does not have to follow anyone, because He is the supreme leader who cannot fail. He is perfect, holy, good and all-knowing. Even in the godhead, Jesus submits himself to Father God. Likewise, God has ordained order in His design among animals as well as among people. The chief leader is God, though others should lead under the leadership of God. Most...
One of the best traits anyone can have?…drumroll… This is emotional intelligence because it is needed across the board. A lot of problems stem from lack of emotional intelligence. Problems stem from lack of integrity in general. But some people do not have emotional intelligence to help them cope with and manage issues in life. According to Merriam Webster dictionary, this is emotional intelligence: ” the ability to recognize, understand, and deal skillfully with one’s...
Globally, lots of women seem to believe that it’s more important what men have than who they are. This way of thinking has driven many women to make very poor and dangerous relationship decisions. Some women focus on men’s titles, positions and statuses mostly. This focus is understandable to an extent. Everyone knows that men are to provide. Part of provision means material provision. It means earning money in order to earn one’s keep to...
I stopped fantasizing about love, relationships and marriage in my twenties and developed a more realistic approach. The reason for this is because God helped me better see HIS purpose in me and in marriage. Marriage has nothing to do with the fairy tales and romance novels that often drive girls and women into relentless pursuits of romantic love with (often the wrong) men. I realize God wanted my attention, my reverence, my worship in...
Is it possible that men and women can get out of the natural order in relationships? People are free to do as they please, obviously. But the purpose of this post, like the purpose of my other posts, is to present life situations based on God’s word and His design. Yes, the woman’s job is to reciprocate, to respond to a man’s initiative when it comes to relationships. It is a God-given dynamic. Even in...
I noticed two things: some people are denying that there is a fake, false form of masculinity that does not reflect the masculinity that Jesus Christ demonstrated. Secondly, other people are demonizing masculinity overall. The most common scenario I have noticed is people seeming to pretend that there is no such thing as toxic masculinity. Perhaps they are bothered by the terminology? Would they like to call it something else?Wrong masculinity? Bad masculinity? Faux masculinity?...