In this post, I am going to talk about what most accurately defines a man. First of all, men and women are valuable, simply because they are created human beings. Both the male and female were created in the image of God (Genesis 5: 1-2). Regardless of the secular perspective, a man’s worth has nothing to do with his bank account, his assets, or his public reputation. In the eyes of society, a man’s corporate...
A secure husband does not interfere with his wife being who God created her to be. A secure wife also will not interfere with her husband in this way either. It is a common scenario that some women get married and their husbands suffer from some kind of insecurity when it comes to their career successes or spiritual giftings. Specifically, a godly husband will not hinder his wife’s God-given talents, gifts, and contributions. However, pride...
In this post, I am going to talk about some things that the church tends to be hush-hush about. First of all, God created sex. It is not wrong to talk about sex. God created sex to be kept within the boundaries that He has set. When people go outside of God’s boundaries, then there is a problem. I highlight certain issues, not for the sake of gender wars. It is the opposite. I desire...
Let’s talk about the times we live in, and some of the women of today in America. I am not talking about all women, and I am not talking about godly women. I am not speaking of the lovely and strong, loving, hard-working mothers and other women out there. What I am referring to are the cold, hardened, violent women of today. Among these women are mothers who kill their children. The frequency at which...
In this post, I am going to address un-wed potential mothers. I care a lot about the plights of women. I desire to see women make the best, most wise and enjoyable decisions. Also, this post is not about married men who rightfully desire children with their wives. Some men desire to have children for the right reasons, and under the right circumstances. They provide wonderfully for their family, which is great. There are also...
Many girls and women have been left unprepared to face life- especially, in regard to relationships. For whatever reasons, they commonly have been left largely uninformed by their elders; by those who love them, and could have been properly equipping them with knowledge. So many girls and women go through life misguided about relationships, due to lack of knowledge and unpreparedness. It is necessary for parents to model the right examples for their children. Children...
I will be focusing on family matters in the next several posts. In this post, I will point out two complaints that I hear from married, working women. I will also acknowledge some important proactive considerations for a woman to make before marriage. There are plenty ladies who desire marriage and children. Also, there are wives and mothers who work outside the home full-time. I do believe that being the right kind of wife and...
Everyone has ego. Yet, sadly, past and present trauma can lead to insecurity, personality changes, personality disorders, and distorted realities for some people. Everyone will go through something unpleasant. Plenty people have already been through many things. While this is a tragedy, there are people who forgive, seek help, and get the healing they need. This could be a long process, but significant healing is able to take place for those who desire it. Some...
The type of women’s “liberation” that abandons God’s righteous precepts and statutes is not liberation. It is bondage. The same goes for anything else disguised as freedom, but defies the righteousness of God. It is bondage. The type of women’s “liberation” that abandons true, godly femininity (1 Peter 3: 1-6; Proverbs 31: 30) is not liberation, but is bondage. Freedom in Jesus Christ is true liberation. Obedience to the Lord is freedom. Freedom from sin...
The principle is the same for men and women. Whether a man or woman, it is very wise to choose a partner based on integrity. To all you beautiful single ladies, my message to you today is choose integrity! Always choose the right character in a man over personal q, such as: Height Handsomeness Muscular physique Any superficial traits Swag Bank account size Prominent presence or status in a community or institution Title, position, labels...