Many girls and women have been left unprepared to face life- especially, in regard to relationships. For whatever reasons, they commonly have been left largely uninformed by their elders; by those who love them, and could have been properly equipping them with knowledge. So many girls and women go through life misguided about relationships, due to lack of knowledge and unpreparedness. It is necessary for parents to model the right examples for their children. Children...
I will be focusing on family matters in the next several posts. In this post, I will point out two complaints that I hear from married, working women. I will also acknowledge some important proactive considerations for a woman to make before marriage. There are plenty ladies who desire marriage and children. Also, there are wives and mothers who work outside the home full-time. I do believe that being the right kind of wife and...
Everyone has ego. Yet, sadly, past and present trauma can lead to insecurity, personality changes, personality disorders, and distorted realities for some people. Everyone will go through something unpleasant. Plenty people have already been through many things. While this is a tragedy, there are people who forgive, seek help, and get the healing they need. This could be a long process, but significant healing is able to take place for those who desire it. Some...
The type of women’s “liberation” that abandons God’s righteous precepts and statutes is not liberation. It is bondage. The same goes for anything else disguised as freedom, but defies the righteousness of God. It is bondage. The type of women’s “liberation” that abandons true, godly femininity (1 Peter 3: 1-6; Proverbs 31: 30) is not liberation, but is bondage. Freedom in Jesus Christ is true liberation. Obedience to the Lord is freedom. Freedom from sin...
The principle is the same for men and women. Whether a man or woman, it is very wise to choose a partner based on integrity. To all you beautiful single ladies, my message to you today is choose integrity! Always choose the right character in a man over personal q, such as: Height Handsomeness Muscular physique Any superficial traits Swag Bank account size Prominent presence or status in a community or institution Title, position, labels...
I have been accused of male-bashing when I bring up very valid points that some others may not want to hear or may wish to avoid. A recent accuser is a person with narcissistic traits. I get gaslighted by this person frequently, and probably should not take it to heart. Yet, the accusation is concerning and other people have accused me of male-bashing. I want to clarify some things for anyone else who may misunderstsnd...
It can happen to anybody. People can and do fall in love with ideas. There are people who fall in love with the idea of love. Sometimes, people fall in love with the idea of someone. Others may fall in love with the idea of something. When it comes to the actual reality of a relationship, the reality can be quite different than the idea. To love someone is a choice; not simply a feeling....
“No big deal…He’s a guy.” “I can… I’m a guy!” “What do you expect?! He’s a guy!” Have you ever heard that or something similar? Chances are, you have heard it or something similar numerous times. When certain types of unacceptable behaviors have been done by men or boys, this is often the explanation or justification: “I’m a guy… ““Oh it’s all right, he’s just a guy…”“Boys will be boys!” If you are anything like...
There are exceptions, to this scenario, but typically, some men want the easy way out. The less they are required to do, the less they will do. When a woman gives away everything to a man outside of marriage and outside of total commitment, she will likely end up used and remain unmarried. Yet, many girls and women are conditioned to believe that they have to give away pretty much everything, in order to keep...
In short, idolatry is the worship of anyone or anything, prioritizing them above God. It is anyone or anything that actually takes the place of God in someone’s heart and life. It could be someone idolizing a job, a celebrity, a spouse, a child, an idea, etc. It is worshiping someone or something else as a god, instead of worshipping the one and true living God. For many women, they often unknowingly make an idol...