As I look at the mess society has become, I recognize a root problem of it all. I see major dysunction close to me. Painfully close. One in a leadership position is belittling, gaslighting, and controlling another. The recipient is somewhat gullible and is getting confused and messed up in the head, believing the emotional and spiritual abuse. A skewed understanding of God’s word according to this abusive leader is rubbing off on the recipient....
Sometimes, there is opposition to a relationship from outsiders. Even on the occasions where there is a healthy relationship between a man and a woman, hate can come from the friends or family of one or both partners. Haters will hate. It is very important for a couple to guard their relationship. For whatever reason, some are in opposition to the union of a couple. I think it is well known that some women are...
When I say high-value, I am speaking of character; not money or any other tangible assets. I understand that not everyone is a Christian. Not everyone even desires a high-quality man. This is not a post to guarantee someone a partner or a spouse, but is advice to increase the likelihood of success in attracting the right person. This post is to encourage like-minded singles who are fellow believers in Jesus Christ and are living...
This post is not an attack against anyone. We live in a broken world with broken people who need healing. We all hurt in some kind of way. We all need healing. Healing can and does happen for many. Thank God! Yet, we live in a dangerous world with some dangerous people. It is very important that we live in awareness and practice caution. That is the point of this post. I want to encourage...
Let’s talk mean girls. I have come across numerous girls and women that are downright vicious. More sad is the fact that the vicious, catty nature of some girls does not change when they enter into young, middle, or late adulthood. I remember being young and naive in high school. I thought I could smile away the issues I was having. Long ago, I was a young girl, fresh out of homeschool when I entered...
How can you know the difference between a religious fraud or a true man of God? Honestly, it can be very tricky. Deception is rampant. That said, the man of God will consistently be producing primarily the fruit of the Spirit, such as love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance (Galatians 5: 22-23). • He should be humble, reliable. He will be repentant when necessary. Like anyone else, he will make mistakes....
Some Christians have a list of sins they consider high-ranking and other sins they consider low-ranking on the scale of sinful. For many Christians, murder is high up there, as well as sexual immorality, alcoholism, drug abuse, etc. What about the sins of gossip, slander, sowing discord, and envy? Some Christians do it so often and carelessly, they likely do not even think of it as sin. Sometimes, what begins as a legitimate conversation about...
Due to both natural desire and social conditioning, some of us ladies can get a little carried away and overzealous when it comes to getting into a relationship. This applies to some of the men as well. I have learned the importance of taking my time and living in prayerful awareness. It is very important to know as much as possible about the person before becoming involved with them. Early on and later, information may...
I’ve stated before that I have been exposed to false doctrine. Bible literacy and prayer have helped me see errors in some of the teachings I heard. Bible literacy brings healing. Among wrong things taught, incorrect comparisons have been made between males and females and husbands and wives. Some of the analogies made are harmful. If anyone has heard any of these analogies and believe them to be true, I suggest you study God’s word...
The plight of black people and others who suffer true injustice and discrimination is real and tragic. For far too long, justice and equality has not existed for some. Throughout history, steps have been made toward improvement. As of lately, there seems to be more progress. In pretty much every institution and system- whether it be healthcare, the workforce, the judicial system, and education system, slavery has been cleverly disguised, but has continued. People have...