…but he doesn’t want to be present and take care of them. Sound familiar? There are plenty people who enjoy making babies, but don’t want the responsibilities of caring for, raising their children. Those of you who are familiar with this blog know that I encourage women to guard themselves overall, including their minds and bodies. This cannot be overemphasized. This post is not a jab at single fathers or single mothers at all. Sometimes,...
In other words, a woman shouldn’t be afraid to lose the man who is not right for her. Likewise, men should not be afraid of losing women who are not the right ones for them. If a person walks away, why stress for too long? Rest assured, that if it was meant to be, it would be. How does a woman know a man is not right for her? There will be signs. I have...
Some of us ladies have had tendencies to become overly zealous when we became involved with a man. For some women, this may have taken the form of idolizing men and placing them as priority over almost everything and everyone soon after they met them. For me, it was having that person on my mind almost constantly and having very strong feelings for him early on. I was positively presumptuous. It’s good to be positive...
Ladies, … you would never knowingly become involved with a man who is already attached to someone else, would you? This is whether he is married or dating someone else. If not, that is wonderful, and that is the right thing to do. It is the right way to be. There are other ladies with different values that I encourage to stay away from men who are already attached. It is common for some women...
Many women seem to have gotten into the habit of comparing themselves to and competing with men. On one hand, women want to be celebrated and acknowledged as equally valuable and equally important as men, rightfully so. That’s not all, though. Because of oppression, discrimination double standards, and for other reasons, some women are responding in the wrong ways. A lot of this is due to women’s own sinful natures. For some women, being equal...
Some women are serious-minded about having a long-term relationship and have various questions about their men, such as do the men in their lives love them? Are the men serious about being with them? What does this particular thing mean? What does that particular thing mean? What should they do about their situations? The answers are usually right there, if they closely observe and accept the facts in front of them. I know this is...
On this blog, I talk a lot about what is wrong and I talk a lot about what is right, based on God’s word. One reason for this is to by comparison, acknowledge the brokenness of humanity. When I highlight problems, it is not to bash people or to try to shame them. It is me acknowledging problems and acknowledging the solution, which is Jesus Christ. What is wrong in the world? What in the...
If we want to encourage someone, we normally express appreciation, admiration and support for them. We express gratitude verbally and also by giving back in some way. We often verbally praise that person. When it comes to bad behaviors, we may not necessarily verbalize agreement with how someone is acting. Yet, if we don’t verbalize disagreement, and if we go along with them or stand by them, this is indication of agreement and acceptance. Both...
Okay, materialism is dangerous for anybody. However, I aim to address and push truth to the single ladies in a world where women suffer from violence and other circumstantial afflictions at a disproportionate rate. I know that idolatry is wrong, so my expectation is that if I got into materialism, it would backfire. I truly do believe to whom much is given, much is required. I know better than to place too much importance on...
After examining myself, my own motives and aiming to align my desires with the understanding of God’s plans for marriage, I decided to write this post on reasons not to get married. It is not an exhaustive list, but includes common motives for marriage. Even in our somewhat anti-marriage culture, there are still men and women who truly desire love and a successful marriage. I have spoken to some women on the topic of marriage...