Many women seem to have gotten into the habit of comparing themselves to and competing with men. On one hand, women want to be celebrated and acknowledged as equally valuable and equally important as men, rightfully so. That’s not all, though. Because of oppression, discrimination double standards, and for other reasons, some women are responding in the wrong ways. A lot of this is due to women’s own sinful natures. For some women, being equal...
The question, “Where’s your man?” has been used as a weapon against plenty women. “Where yo man at?” It has been an effective weapon against probably just as many women. It has caused some women to feel bad about single status and some resort to compromising their values so that they can be in a relationship. “Where her man at?” is what some say to, or about women in what seems like disdain. As if...
No one is ready made. When someone meets the right person, that person will be flawed just like anybody else. They won’t be perfect, but are the perfect person for the one they are suited for. Healthy relationships consist of imperfect, compatible people who happen to love and respect each other. Typically, they will be attracted to each other and have a significant amount of things in common. Shared faith / core values are very...
It can happen to anybody. People can and do fall in love with ideas. There are people who fall in love with the idea of love. Sometimes, people fall in love with the idea of someone. Others may fall in love with the idea of something. When it comes to the actual reality of a relationship, the reality can be quite different than the idea. To love someone is a choice; not simply a feeling....