It’s a dangerous world. There are dangerous people. If you are afraid of someone, should you stay away from them? The answer sounds obvious. Yes! Yet, sometimes it’s not so simple. I have been in situations in my past where men made me nervous, gave me dangerous vibes right from the get-go and I proceeded with them anyway. I never let it get very far because I am a very cautious person and as it...
This is directed to Christians and anyone else open to receiving the message. I understand not everyone is Christian. But anyone, including non-Christians are welcome here. I believe everyone should be informed, respected and safe. First, a warning that this is a sensitive topic meant for mature people. It is not meant for very young readers. I will share some knowledge on this very important topic and point to the best way- God’s way. From the...
In this post, I’m going to talk about religious “conversion” that takes place when someone changes or attempts to change their religious belief system in order to date or marry someone else. In fact, some of you wonderful readers may be going through something like this-you are interested in someone, but your values don’t align when it comes to your faith in God. The person you are seeing may have already indicated they are interested...
It is well known across the world, throughout various cultures that men are obligated to provide for their families. Women often talk about desiring husbands who are providers. This is a good desire because it is Biblical. What does providing mean? So often, people refer to provision in the sense of material and financial provision primarily. Those are important aspects of provision, but they are not the only or most important ones. I think that...
In my previous post, I talked about how some people idolize sex. It is much easier to connect physically in sexual acts with someone than it is to actually love someone. To truly love someone takes sacrificial actions. The two great commandments from God, found in the Bible are based on loving God and loving others; not on having sex. Yet, in our society and other places around the world, sex has become an idol...
There are many important reasons to discuss this topic from a biblical perspective. We live in a hypersexual society. But what is the best kind of sex? Well, morally, the best sex is sex between a husband and his wife as God intended. How do I know this? Because God’s ways are always best. Not to mention the heartbreak and STDs, as well as many other issues that arise because many people are not married...
Why are we here? How should we be living? Living with purpose is very important. God created you and I for specific purposes, friends. That is special! The Holy Bible is the blueprint for how Christians should be living. Specifically as women, how should we not be living, if we are followers of Jesus Christ? In this post, I will discuss five things that God didn’t create women for, but many women are often struggling,...
Friends, this post is about radical feminism. This is not a post against women’s rights. Women and girls have been globally mistreated disproportionately throughout history in many ways. Both men and women, boys and girls deserve their God-given rights to be treated fairly and with love. I understand the profound necessity of the women’s suffrage movement. I’m not speaking against the necessary parts of the women’s suffrage movement in this post. I’m talking about radical...
This post is a reminder to encourage dating women that you don’t have to work so hard in your relationships. Men are not children that are to be raised by their women. We understand this in theory, but sometimes, it’s difficult for some women to apply this reality in their relationships. Some women are exhausted and frustrated from working so hard on their men as their personal projects. “I’m a ride or die chic!” some...
This is an important message. Some women use our nurturing instincts to try to fix and heal men who have not allowed Jesus to heal them. These types of men can be very dangerous. Ladies, if a man does not love himself, he simply cannot and will not love you. This is important to understand. Show me a man that mistreats women and is hateful toward women. You have shown me a man who hates...