1. She is confident. 2. She is content being who she is. She is content with what she has accomplished and what she will continue to accomplish as she grows as a person. 3. She is not likely to envy others. 4. She is unlikely to covet what others have. 5. There is no need for her to be catty and vicious toward other women because she is confident and even appreciates the ways in...
No, the true source of fulfillment is not having a boyfriend or husband. Many women feel very lonely. People tend to feel empty when they have a void. People sometimes live life without a sense of true purpose. This can lead to restlessness and depression. Many people are searching, but some do not seem to know exactly what they are searching for or what they really need. Everyone, whether they know it or not, needs...
I have experienced and observed the fact that many girls grow up with critically low self-esteem due to various circumstances. Some of the circumstances take place within their homes. For example, some girls have been treated as less than by family members for being female, they have generally been restricted a lot more from various activities and held to higher standards than their brothers. In particular, this happens in some religious households. As time goes...
Motherhood is a beautiful, honorable thing. My own mother has demonstrated this in how she cared for my siblings and me. There are so many women, including single mothers who excel in motherhood. They aren’t perfect, but they do the best they can do to raise boys to be noble men, girls to be noble women. I have no experience as an actual mother. However, I learn about motherhood from the Bible and from observing...
This post is inspired by a conversation I was involved in recently. The conversation showed me the opinions of people who are also propagating false information based on those opinions. They are sharing false information to both men and women. It is the same false information that has been planted in the minds of people long ago. It is a double standard. People have a right to have their own views. I respect that. But...
…as they say, and according to my interpretation of 1 Corinthians 13: 4 -7. Actions speak volumes. I want to talk about love, because the word love is often slandered. Some women have admitted that as girls, they witnessed their mothers being abused and they thought the abuse was love. It is all they knew at the time. I hear statements like “love hurts” or “love is dangerous.” If love does hurt, this could be...
No one will ever be a perfect earthly parent. There are parents who do their best, but their children do not fully reflect it. God was a perfect parent to Adam and Eve and they still disobeyed and failed in the Garden of Eden. This post is not about singling out anyone’s personal parenting techniques. My goal is to address the overall importance of fathers and some consequences of their absences. I think good fathers...
There are various orientations, so I must clarify that men who desire women should pursue women. Hopefully, this post will be encouragement to the young ladies out there asking about pursuit. In this day and age when more people are demanding accountability for those who disrespect and mistreat others, some are claiming that because of this accountability, men supposedly cannot be men anymore. Some men state they cannot talk to women without being accused of...
Words are powerful. People can be very slick with their words. This is something that is learned and some people become experts at it. They become experts at manipulating minds and controlling people with their words. They know just what to say and which people to say those things to. Men should be careful around women who use their pretty faces, sexuality and their words to seduce. For women dating, the only problem may not...
If you are familiar with this blog, you know that I often encourage women not to settle for men who cheat, and not to put up with cheating from their boyfriends or fiances. There is a flip side to that as well. Some women cheat on their men too. Also, there are many women (mistresses) who are dealing unlawfully with married men. In addition, there are women who are dealing inappropriately and knowingly with men...