Words are powerful. People can be very slick with their words. This is something that is learned and some people become experts at it. They become experts at manipulating minds and controlling people with their words. They know just what to say and which people to say those things to. Men should be careful around women who use their pretty faces, sexuality and their words to seduce. For women dating, the only problem may not...
If you are familiar with this blog, you know that I often encourage women not to settle for men who cheat, and not to put up with cheating from their boyfriends or fiances. There is a flip side to that as well. Some women cheat on their men too. Also, there are many women (mistresses) who are dealing unlawfully with married men. In addition, there are women who are dealing inappropriately and knowingly with men...
I sympathize with women because of the many difficulties plenty have in their relationships. I cannot identify with witnessing physical abuse between my parents. I cannot identify with girls who have grown up watching their mothers bringing different men in and out of the house or those who have a father that cheated on their mother. Seeing dysfunction in the home as a girl can normalize it for some. Some girls witness all kinds of...
What one tolerates or doesn’t tolerate in a relationship is certainly up to that particular individual. Everyone has negotiables and non-negotiables. There are some issues I frequently see that are contributing to many women’s unhappiness. I believe that due to double standards, sexism and other reasons, many women have had a tendency to be overly tolerant to mistreatment in relationships.Some of you know how much I emphasize the importance of a woman holding her man...
This is what some people say, that it is worse when women cheat. Is it true? This post is inspired by a recent discussion I was involved in on this topic. Based on what factors does one come to the conclusion that women are worse for cheating than men are? A long time justification for this belief has been that when women have sex, they become attached; they catch feelings. Men, they say, are often...
Quality of life is affected by all the decisions one makes, whether the decisions are in matters great or small. Though imperfect, a woman of integrity will prioritize doing what is right. The prudent woman will avoid many pitfalls as she navigates through life. In this post is a list of wrong things that some women do. The list is good for me to remember for myself, even. These behaviors should be avoided by all...
For the sake of clarity, there are plenty of women who do not value men. As a woman who does not teach men, I talk to the ladies about many issues I see disproportionately affecting women and girls. This does not mean I do not care about the plights of men. I hope that mature, spiritually sound men are talking to the boys and young men. As some of you know, I address issues that...
As I observe relationships around me and the experiences of some women in their relationships, I realize that probably the majority of women’s major problems come from their romantic relationships. Many women have been willing to suffer a great deal. Some women are willing to compromise their values and joy in order to keep a man around. Some have foundational beliefs that they are willing to compromise and participate in behaviors that they would not...
For people who are single and desire marriage, it is always important to remember that there are still decent people who would make an ideal spouse. Not everyone means you or me harm. I could never fairly and truthfully say that all men are no good. No one can ever truthfully or fairly say that all women are no good. It’s simply not true. Every individual must be selective.The key is to learn to recognize...