Okay, materialism is dangerous for anybody. However, I aim to address and push truth to the single ladies in a world where women suffer from violence and other circumstantial afflictions at a disproportionate rate. I know that idolatry is wrong, so my expectation is that if I got into materialism, it would backfire. I truly do believe to whom much is given, much is required. I know better than to place too much importance on...
This message is not for everyone, except those who can receive it. I say this because I do not try to force my beliefs on people who do not believe the way I do. I truly respect the fact that not everybody is a Christian. Still, this post is not only for women who profess to be Christians, but also is general advice and pointers for ladies of any belief and value system who are...
Well, it depends. No matter his social status, and the game he runs, a woman should focus on a man’s character when determining if he is the right man. This is regardless of appealing words that he may speak to her. Character is most important, even if her biological clock is ticking; even if he is very appealing aesthetically. It is good not to be focused only on someone’s success or appearance. Even if he...
In short, idolatry is the worship of anyone or anything, prioritizing them above God. It is anyone or anything that actually takes the place of God in someone’s heart and life. It could be someone idolizing a job, a celebrity, a spouse, a child, an idea, etc. It is worshiping someone or something else as a god, instead of worshipping the one and true living God. For many women, they often unknowingly make an idol...
There is an epidemic of people who do not feel adequate, who feel unaffirmed, and are starving for recognition. This could be boys or girls, men or women. Some of these types of people become mentally and emotionally unhinged under these circumstances. People react in different ways as individuals. There also appears to be gender-based tendencies. I want women to take note, because often, women miss red flags. It makes it easier to miss alarms...
In today’s post, I am going to step outside of my norm. In light of current events and recent past events, I am realizing more and more the rampant political idolatry and cultic behaviour that is causing division and distraction among some Christians. God does not call us to idolize any man or leader, or to put our faith and trust in them. Yet, I observe fierce devotion, excuse making, and justification for ungodly behavior...
A root problem for girls and women is the fact that some have been brainwashed. They have been falsely indoctrinated by romance novels and fairy tales. Some women waste a lot of time with the wrong men, and stay in relationship traps because they are trying to make romance novels come to fruition in their own life. It is important to note that what is read in the romance novels and heard about in the...
I am bringing attention to this, because it is a common, dangerous theme among many women. Anyone can fall into this trap. Some women are ruled by idolatry of men. Much of what these women do, and how they think is driven by their obsessions with men and relationships. Understand that these kind of women are dangerous women. A woman is a danger to herself, and also to those who are connected to her in...
Feeling lonely? Bored? Dissatisfied? How can a man (or woman) be content? Many people believe that their happiness comes from their circumstances. Women often chase after the love of a man, but will this truly satisfy a woman? I used to be very consumed with finding Mr. Right. I am still learning to be content in every season. Truth is, we are only able to be content when we are in total surrender to the...