Friends, I decided to write a post on this very important topic, because I like to bring attention to major problem areas. This is not a shaming post. People have many struggles. There are so many sins one can fall into. Pornography is one of many. Not everyone agrees with the fact that pornography is sin. Mainly, I want to encourage those who follow Christ to stay away from pornography. It not only has spiritual...
In this post, I won’t be discussing God-given, natural sexual desire that a husband and wife feel toward each other. Instead, I am referring to the spirit of lust. I’m referring to extreme, unnatural and insatiable sexual appetite. I’m speaking of perversion. If someone has this problem or if they know of these problems in a potential spouse, these are huge red flags. It is important to recognize that this is a major red flag before proceeding...
When a man truly loves a woman, he will show it in how he gives her his time and effort. He will show his love in how he treats her in a loyal and loving way. He will also be consistent. The woman on the receiving end of his love will not have to play a guessing game. The proof of his love will be in his behaviors more so than in his words. Other...