I agree with a woman whose stance is that it is her body, so it is her choice. However, I agree with an unpopular context of what many women are saying. Our bodies…our choices. Our bodies are up to us to steward, but belong to God ultimately. Yes, God gave us free will. It is best and most helpful to use this free will wisely and safely. He gave us the ability to make decisions...
…but he doesn’t want to be present and take care of them. Sound familiar? There are plenty people who enjoy making babies, but don’t want the responsibilities of caring for, raising their children. Those of you who are familiar with this blog know that I encourage women to guard themselves overall, including their minds and bodies. This cannot be overemphasized. This post is not a jab at single fathers or single mothers at all. Sometimes,...
Many women seem to have gotten into the habit of comparing themselves to and competing with men. On one hand, women want to be celebrated and acknowledged as equally valuable and equally important as men, rightfully so. That’s not all, though. Because of oppression, discrimination double standards, and for other reasons, some women are responding in the wrong ways. A lot of this is due to women’s own sinful natures. For some women, being equal...
This post is to give encouragement to make decisions that will not only be pleasing to God, but will make life less stressful and less complicated. I see the pain, I see the hurt. I have witnessed the heartache, stress and how hard life can be when consequences come for decisions made. I understand that not everybody is a follower of Jesus Christ. I speak based on my own belief in God and His ways....