One of the primary reasons a woman cannot leave a man who is not good to her or good for her is because she is having sex with him or has had sex with him. Yes, it is a real thing. She has super-bonded herself to him through sex. Sex is not the only reason, but it is a primary reason some women find it very difficult to leave. There are women who know in...
Especially, refuse to be a forever girlfriend if you want to be married. Have you ever met women who desire to get married but remain men’s girlfriends chronically, because their boyfriends won’t marry them? How about women who truly desired marriage but changed their stances on it when their men said, “Marriage is just a piece of paper?” Ever met a lady who was willing to play house and give husband benefits outside of marriage...
This is directed to Christians and anyone else open to receiving the message. I understand not everyone is Christian. But anyone, including non-Christians are welcome here. I believe everyone should be informed, respected and safe. First, a warning that this is a sensitive topic meant for mature people. It is not meant for very young readers. I will share some knowledge on this very important topic and point to the best way- God’s way. From the...
In my previous post, I talked about how some people idolize sex. It is much easier to connect physically in sexual acts with someone than it is to actually love someone. To truly love someone takes sacrificial actions. The two great commandments from God, found in the Bible are based on loving God and loving others; not on having sex. Yet, in our society and other places around the world, sex has become an idol...
Friends, I decided to write a post on this very important topic, because I like to bring attention to major problem areas. This is not a shaming post. People have many struggles. There are so many sins one can fall into. Pornography is one of many. Not everyone agrees with the fact that pornography is sin. Mainly, I want to encourage those who follow Christ to stay away from pornography. It not only has spiritual...
This post is for educational purposes and is inspired by complaints of some men and women, concerning some women’s feminine health and hygiene. This is not a post meant to blame anyone. It’s an important topic because these are ongoing health issues for some women. Well, I feel bad for those women- and the men. By now, at least some of you probably know I am not afraid to talk about uncomfortable topics. This is...
…but he doesn’t want to be present and take care of them. Sound familiar? There are plenty people who enjoy making babies, but don’t want the responsibilities of caring for, raising their children. Those of you who are familiar with this blog know that I encourage women to guard themselves overall, including their minds and bodies. This cannot be overemphasized. This post is not a jab at single fathers or single mothers at all. Sometimes,...
Many women seem to have gotten into the habit of comparing themselves to and competing with men. On one hand, women want to be celebrated and acknowledged as equally valuable and equally important as men, rightfully so. That’s not all, though. Because of oppression, discrimination double standards, and for other reasons, some women are responding in the wrong ways. A lot of this is due to women’s own sinful natures. For some women, being equal...
After examining myself, my own motives and aiming to align my desires with the understanding of God’s plans for marriage, I decided to write this post on reasons not to get married. It is not an exhaustive list, but includes common motives for marriage. Even in our somewhat anti-marriage culture, there are still men and women who truly desire love and a successful marriage. I have spoken to some women on the topic of marriage...
Words are powerful. People can be very slick with their words. This is something that is learned and some people become experts at it. They become experts at manipulating minds and controlling people with their words. They know just what to say and which people to say those things to. Men should be careful around women who use their pretty faces, sexuality and their words to seduce. For women dating, the only problem may not...