This message is not for everyone, except those who can receive it. I say this because I do not try to force my beliefs on people who do not believe the way I do. I truly respect the fact that not everybody is a Christian. Still, this post is not only for women who profess to be Christians, but also is general advice and pointers for ladies of any belief and value system who are...
In this post, I won’t be discussing God-given, natural sexual desire that a husband and wife feel toward each other. Instead, I am referring to the spirit of lust. I’m referring to extreme, unnatural and insatiable sexual appetite. I’m speaking of perversion. If someone has this problem or if they know of these problems in a potential spouse, these are huge red flags. It is important to recognize that this is a major red flag before proceeding...
In this post, I am going to talk about some things that the church tends to be hush-hush about. First of all, God created sex. It is not wrong to talk about sex. God created sex to be kept within the boundaries that He has set. When people go outside of God’s boundaries, then there is a problem. I highlight certain issues, not for the sake of gender wars. It is the opposite. I desire...
For the woman who wants to do what is pleasing to God and marry a like-minded man, these are very important issues to discuss and be in agreement on…before marriage. Surprisingly, some people do not discuss and agree on some very important issues that should be agreed upon before marriage. They run into problems because of this after they are married. It is very wise to discuss things like fundamental values / principles and other...