One of the primary reasons a woman cannot leave a man who is not good to her or good for her is because she is having sex with him or has had sex with him. Yes, it is a real thing. She has super-bonded herself to him through sex. Sex is not the only reason, but it is a primary reason some women find it very difficult to leave.
There are women who know in their heads and hearts that they should leave toxic and dangerous situations. Yet, they are unable to extricate themselves from their men in those situations.
In most, if not all cases, women who cannot leave toxic men have already had sex with their men.
I’m not talking about married women. I do believe marriage was intended to be permanent according to God’s design. Also, of course wives will be having sex with their husbands.
In this post, I’m talking about women who are dating or engaged while having sex, and can’t get themselves away from men who they know are not good for them.
Why is it so hard for women to extricate themselves from men who don’t treat them well?
There are various reasons. One being, after a woman has sex with a man, she bonds with him. Two bonding hormones are [1] oxytocin and [2] vasopressin. Both men and women are bonded by sex, but a lot of men have hardened themselves so that they will not catch feelings for women. These men are working against God’s plan.
In particular, the role of vasopressin in males for bonding and committing is evident. For women, there seems to be more factual evidence of the bonding taking place because of oxytocin.
Either way, oxytocin and vasopressin are bonding elements for both men and women. In addition, it is understood that in order for a man to commit, he needs to develop a strong emotional bond with a woman prior to physical (sexual) activity.
Often, women have sex more quickly than they may have otherwise, because they are afraid they will lose their men if they don’t.
A lot of women also allow themselves to catch feelings and they don’t harden themselves from those feelings in many cases. Our society has encouraged men to be promiscuous moreso than encouraging men to fall in love. But our society has encouraged women to fall in love.
Women are more willing generally speaking, to be in love and catch feelings for someone than a lot of men are. I do suspect that heartbreak is more difficult for men than for women in general. A lot of men are much less likely to risk being in love. Yet, part of being a man is taking risk.
It is important for a man to choose a woman wisely to pursue, and be willing to take the risk of loving her. A man should be willing to initiate or lead in love, rather than using and abusing women in order to protect his heart.
There are plenty men who keep their pants unzipped as much as possible, but close their hearts off to love. Some try to harden and detach themselves emotionally from the act of sex. They sleep around carelessly for false affirmation, to satisfy lust and in attempts not to get attached.
Plenty women, however, will allow themselves to bond to men. For women, their egos and sense of affirmation are not so attached to the sex act either, generally speaking.
God’s ways are best. God designed sex for marriage between a husband and his wife. Husbands and wives can be bonded because of sex all they want and this is a good thing!
However, it is harmful for unmarried people to have sex with various people and bond with all of those people! It can and does tend to interfere with their ability to bond properly with their future spouses. This may not always be the case, but it often is the case.
Sex is not just a physical act, no matter how many men try to pretend it is. No matter how many women try to pretend it is. Sex is connecting spiritually and emotionally as well as physically.
Again, God commands one man and one woman within the confines of marriage to be the ones having sex. One reason for this is because God is holy and marriage and sex are sacred.
Other reasons are to avoid stds, avoid unwanted pregnancies, unwanted emotional attachments as well as carrying excess baggage around. Abstaining from sex outside of marriage just makes good, practical sense as well as good, moral sense!
Related Bible Verse:
“Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman.
Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.“
1 Corinthians 7: 1-2 KJV
On oxytocin
On vasopressin
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