Ladies, many of us are gifted with-well, the gift of gab! Generally, many women use lots of words. There are situations where it is better to be slow to speak, be reserved in how much we say, and be an attentive listener. Plenty people are very flexible and accommodating. They learn how to adapt in different situations to obtain what they want in life. Plenty people are good actors. They can play pretty much any […]
Why do many women believe they can change a man? Why not go for the kind of men they desire in the first place, instead of settling for someone different, then hoping and dreaming of changing him? Some women put themselves out to be burned over and over again. This can lead to bitterness. One thing I want to make sure I am free of is unforgiveness. If I am unforgiving, it is a heavy […]
Some men desire and pursue healthy relationships and will make wonderful spouses for some women one day! These men are harder to come by, but even when they are available and pursue women, some may not be interested. Some women are going with the men who are not the best choices. Sometimes, the reason for a woman’s choice in a man is based on her personal preferences taking priority over moral standards. I have questioned myself […]
I am bringing attention to this, because it is a common, dangerous theme among many women. Anyone can fall into this trap. Some women are ruled by idolatry of men. Much of what these women do, and how they think is driven by their obsessions with men and relationships. Understand that these kind of women are dangerous women. A woman is a danger to herself, and also to those who are connected to her in […]
Some people may believe it is old fashioned, but God is unchanging. I understand some facts about how God wired men and women. I see how in the animal kingdom, the male pursues the female, who responds some kind of way. God also put it in a man to desire to pursue a woman. I believe this is the natural order and the way He intends it to be; not a woman pursuing a man. […]
Godly Headship Is Love, Responsibility, And Provision Part 2
“Wives submit to your husbands! Wives submit! Obey your husbands!” I heard that a lot in various sermons preachd by different men. I am in agreement with wives submitting to their husbands. However, I understand that it does not stop at “Wives submit.” When I read Ephesians chapter 5, I see the complete picture; not just “wives submit.” Studying the word of God showed me that some of the teachings I heard were very unbalanced. […]
Godly Headship Is Love, Responsibility, And Provision Part 1
Did you ever hear false teaching about the roles of the husband and wife, particularly on headship and submission? Have you ever seen the mis-application of headship and submission? Godly headship does not mean superiority, abuser, tyrant, controller, user, etc. Headship is about servitude and responsibility. “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the […]
Submission is not a dirty word. I learned this after studying God’s word for myself, and through prayer, I was able to see a clear picture of godly submission. Some people have twisted the meaning of it and abused it, to attempt to make it mean what they want it to mean. Some women seem to be petrified of the word, because of the abuse of it. Submission does not mean slavery, doormat, or inferior. Power […]
Low Standards, Low Expectations, And Too Much Tolerance, Part 1
Infidelity, disrespect, dishonesty, laziness, violence from their partners, deadbeat dads…why have so many women been so overly tolerant in relationships with their men? For one, women have been taught through social conditioning to put up with it. It is important to acknowledge that there are some nice men still out there. Regardless, some ladies have not been equipped to choose wisely, and have taken coinciding actions in their relationships with men. Some women choose to […]
First, if you have not read the first post on this topic, you can find it here. I believe women have been commonly left in the dark when it comes to much of the behavior of some men. Some men have not been honest. Because women are not men, men can tell women something about men that is not true. Understandably, some women believe it. One of the falsehoods told to women is the fact […]