Today, I am talking about marriage. During these times, many people are worried about getting married. This is understandable, because people have difficulties, and many marriages (including among Christians) end in divorce. I aim to observe marriage in light of scripture. This helps me have a positive, yet realistic attitude about it. The love of Jesus Christ is perfect love. Jesus Christ loves the church and wooed the church with His love. He died for...
Today, I am talking about Christian dating. I have taken note of the quality of some of the relationships (and even marriages) I have observed. First, in some, there is a lot of fussing, fighting, sometimes physical altercations, lying, verbal abuse, control, cheating, using each other and getting together for reasons that don’t have to do with love. Secondly, there is certainly going to be conflict sometimes, but there are right ways to deal with...
People desire to feel respected, valued, loved, and appreciated. Certainly, men and women need and desire respect. I have learned that for men, respect is particularly important. The Bible commands in Ephesians 5: 33, “Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.” Here are ways a wife can show respect to her husband man: – Admire him. Men tend...
In this post, I will explain my goal in blogging on the topics I write about. Ok, so people want to hear and read about warm, fuzzy, happy things right? So do I! I like talking about those things, too! Life however, is not all about roses, and there are some very important things to be addressed. People are suffering. Some are dying. The topics I write about may ruffle a few feathers and step...
Everyone has bad days. I know I do. Or maybe, it is just a small part of the day. Often, if it starts out with things going wrong, I brace myself for the rest of the day. Once in a while, I just don’t feel well emotionally. My mood may be due to regular everyday stress like work, or any personal matters. Sometimes, my mood is negatively altered, simply because people can be just plain...
In today’s post, I am going to step outside of my norm. In light of current events and recent past events, I am realizing more and more the rampant political idolatry and cultic behaviour that is causing division and distraction among some Christians. God does not call us to idolize any man or leader, or to put our faith and trust in them. Yet, I observe fierce devotion, excuse making, and justification for ungodly behavior...
A root problem for girls and women is the fact that some have been brainwashed. They have been falsely indoctrinated by romance novels and fairy tales. Some women waste a lot of time with the wrong men, and stay in relationship traps because they are trying to make romance novels come to fruition in their own life. It is important to note that what is read in the romance novels and heard about in the...
• Ever have someone whisper about you behind your back? • Did the rumors about you spread like wildfire and people’s attitudes and behavior toward you inexplicably changed in a negative way? • Has anyone ever suddenly begun to acted strangely toward you to your face for unknown reasons? • Has anyone purposefully excluded you? • Has anyone picked verbal or physical altercations with you? • Has anyone slandered and or sabotaged you on purpose?...
This is a be on the lookout, cautionary post. This is one of those under- acknowledged topics. I am bringing attention to it, because it is a dangerous world out there. Some women are not living in awareness. This can cause them to miss major red flags. Red flags should be caught early on, if possible, and appropriate actions should be taken accordingly. Due to my observations and experiences, I am more careful now. A...
Are the best men for relationships tall, dark and handsome with bulging muscles, good game, and popular with the ladies? How about shorter, blond, light eyes, lots of money and charm? While those characteristics are not necessarily wrong, they are superficial traits. They fall under the category of preferences; not standards. Moral standards are far more important than personal preferences. I have learned to be much more concerned about a man’s character than superficial traits...