The purpose of this post is to point out a harmful double standard inside and outside of the church. It happens outside of the church, but it is worse when it is happening in the house of the Lord. It is concerning that it is happening in some Christian households. Some parents have been protecting their own daughter (s) from toxic men. At the same time, some have not properly trained their own son (s)...
In this post, I won’t be discussing God-given, natural sexual desire that a husband and wife feel toward each other. Instead, I am referring to the spirit of lust. I’m referring to extreme, unnatural and insatiable sexual appetite. I’m speaking of perversion. If someone has this problem or if they know of these problems in a potential spouse, these are huge red flags. It is important to recognize that this is a major red flag before proceeding...
“Women just don’t want to submit!” Is this usually true? Or is it that they do not want to submit under someone else’s terms, but want things God’s way? What does submit even mean? In religious circles, it is commonly propagated by both men and women that women just don’t want their man to be a leader. Women are accused of not wanting to yield to their husband’s loving leadership. The word submit means to yield...
For people who are single and desire marriage, it is always important to remember that there are still decent people who would make an ideal spouse. Not everyone means you or me harm. I could never fairly and truthfully say that all men are no good. No one can ever truthfully or fairly say that all women are no good. It’s simply not true. Every individual must be selective.The key is to learn to recognize...
With Christmas and the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ recently celebrated by many, I want to talk about another righteous man who was near and dear to our Savior. Based on Biblical account, He was an excellent husband to his wife Mary, the mother of Jesus. When I read the story of Mary and Joseph, I am blessed and impressed! Joseph was indeed a true example of godly masculinity. I believe that Mary and...
In this post, I am going to talk about what most accurately defines a man. First of all, men and women are valuable, simply because they are created human beings. Both the male and female were created in the image of God (Genesis 5: 1-2). Regardless of the secular perspective, a man’s worth has nothing to do with his bank account, his assets, or his public reputation. In the eyes of society, a man’s corporate...
A secure husband does not interfere with his wife being who God created her to be. A secure wife also will not interfere with her husband in this way either. It is a common scenario that some women get married and their husbands suffer from some kind of insecurity when it comes to their career successes or spiritual giftings. Specifically, a godly husband will not hinder his wife’s God-given talents, gifts, and contributions. However, pride...
In this post, I am going to talk about some things that the church tends to be hush-hush about. First of all, God created sex. It is not wrong to talk about sex. God created sex to be kept within the boundaries that He has set. When people go outside of God’s boundaries, then there is a problem. I highlight certain issues, not for the sake of gender wars. It is the opposite. I desire...
I will be focusing on family matters in the next several posts. In this post, I will point out two complaints that I hear from married, working women. I will also acknowledge some important proactive considerations for a woman to make before marriage. There are plenty ladies who desire marriage and children. Also, there are wives and mothers who work outside the home full-time. I do believe that being the right kind of wife and...
It can happen to anybody. People can and do fall in love with ideas. There are people who fall in love with the idea of love. Sometimes, people fall in love with the idea of someone. Others may fall in love with the idea of something. When it comes to the actual reality of a relationship, the reality can be quite different than the idea. To love someone is a choice; not simply a feeling....