In this post, I am going to talk about some things that the church tends to be hush-hush about. First of all, God created sex. It is not wrong to talk about sex. God created sex to be kept within the boundaries that He has set. When people go outside of God’s boundaries, then there is a problem. I highlight certain issues, not for the sake of gender wars. It is the opposite. I desire...
I will be focusing on family matters in the next several posts. In this post, I will point out two complaints that I hear from married, working women. I will also acknowledge some important proactive considerations for a woman to make before marriage. There are plenty ladies who desire marriage and children. Also, there are wives and mothers who work outside the home full-time. I do believe that being the right kind of wife and...
It can happen to anybody. People can and do fall in love with ideas. There are people who fall in love with the idea of love. Sometimes, people fall in love with the idea of someone. Others may fall in love with the idea of something. When it comes to the actual reality of a relationship, the reality can be quite different than the idea. To love someone is a choice; not simply a feeling....
There are exceptions, to this scenario, but typically, some men want the easy way out. The less they are required to do, the less they will do. When a woman gives away everything to a man outside of marriage and outside of total commitment, she will likely end up used and remain unmarried. Yet, many girls and women are conditioned to believe that they have to give away pretty much everything, in order to keep...
What could a man need more than sex? Nothing, right? Well I would normally believe that as well. However, I know of at least multiple men who have pointed out that…drum roll, please…they need respect, even more than sex. Yes, for some (maybe not all) men, respect is more important than sex! This is very important for me as a woman to remember, whether single, in a courtship or married. There is a reason that women...
Specifically, the kingdom man who knows his worth has some special qualities. He is a different type than the average man. When a man knows his worth, he: • Understands that society’s idea of a man’s worth is skewed. He understands that having integrity is what is important. Character makes the man. • Won’t have so much to prove. • Has real confidence; he is not cocky. • Is not insecure; at least not in...
In this post, I have some issues to address concerning gender, roles, and the current condition of society, as it pertains to relationships. Men and women are of equal value and worth in the sight of God. However, men and women are different. This is not news, right? Maybe it’s not news to some more than to others. In this post, I will acknowledge God-given differences between men and women, and the roles they were...
Sometimes, there is opposition to a relationship from outsiders. Even on the occasions where there is a healthy relationship between a man and a woman, hate can come from the friends or family of one or both partners. Haters will hate. It is very important for a couple to guard their relationship. For whatever reason, some are in opposition to the union of a couple. I think it is well known that some women are...
Today, I am talking about marriage. During these times, many people are worried about getting married. This is understandable, because people have difficulties, and many marriages (including among Christians) end in divorce. I aim to observe marriage in light of scripture. This helps me have a positive, yet realistic attitude about it. The love of Jesus Christ is perfect love. Jesus Christ loves the church and wooed the church with His love. He died for...
Today, I am talking about Christian dating. I have taken note of the quality of some of the relationships (and even marriages) I have observed. First, in some, there is a lot of fussing, fighting, sometimes physical altercations, lying, verbal abuse, control, cheating, using each other and getting together for reasons that don’t have to do with love. Secondly, there is certainly going to be conflict sometimes, but there are right ways to deal with...