There are exceptions, to this scenario, but typically, some men want the easy way out. The less they are required to do, the less they will do. When a woman gives away everything to a man outside of marriage and outside of total commitment, she will likely end up used and remain unmarried.
Yet, many girls and women are conditioned to believe that they have to give away pretty much everything, in order to keep a man. Not knowing her worth, sometimes a woman or a girl is interested in keeping or getting a man without requiring him to pursue her and prove he is serious about her.
Without requiring him to woo and win her over, selflessly love her, and commit himself to her in marriage.
In Proverbs 18:22, the Bible says, “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.” It did not say, “She who finds a husband finds a good thing.”
It also did not say, “He who finds a friend with benefits finds a good thing.” Also, it did not say, “He who finds a girlfriend finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.”
It is not productive, not healthy, and not according to God’s design for a woman to be flailing about life, frantically trying to get a man and settling for less to keep him.
It is up to the man to get the woman. She should be wise in her response to the man who pursues her. She should not give away her sexual power, which is what nearly every man will be primarily after.
When she gives away her body, she is relinquishing her power. Every heterosexual man wants that. Some rightfully want it within the confines of marriage, and others want it outside of marriage.
Many of the boys and men have come up with various ploys to try to conquer a woman’s sexual power. It is very important for girls and women to understand this. Yet, many are not educated early on about this.
First and foremost, in order to obey God, the Christian woman should abstain from fornication. This is not to wrongly criticize people. Everyone has made mistakes, but I am acknowledging the will of God.
If I choose to be involved in premarital sex, I understand this is not God’s will for me. Neither is it beneficial for me.
“Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.” 1 Corinthians 6:18.
In addition, when a woman abstains from sex, she can save herself a lot of pain, grief, disillusionment, possible STDs and undesired pregnancy. If a woman is dating and realizes that the man is not good for her, it will be a lot easier for her to get away from him if she has not had sex with him.
It will be a lot easier and much less heartbreaking if she has not given her body to him before he dumps her, cheats on her or before the relationship ends.
These are some things a woman may do that could keep a man from wanting to marrying her:
– Due to feminized, shy, or insecure men who refuse to ask women out, a woman may take on the masculine role to pursue him, make the first move, woo him. He may become comfortable in the reciprocating role, remaining passive.
– She may propose to him or give him an ultimatum- “marry me or else!” Some men may resent women giving them ultimatums. My guess is that they know this is an act of desperation on the part of a woman as well.
– Do his laundry, cook, and clean his house regularly.
– She moves in with him or allows him to move in with her.
– Gives him her money.
– Is having premarital sex with him.
– Has low standards and minimal boundaries.
– She is thirsty and desperate.
– Puts up with any type of abuse and mistreatment.
– Puts up with his cheating.
– Cheats on him or is abusive to him.
No worries. If a woman is cheating and mistreating her man, it is not likely he will marry her anyway. Also, it is unlikely that a woman will end up married to the kind of man she is having sex with and does everything for.
Why would he marry her, when she is giving him many husband benefits, including sex outside of marriage?
He often is waiting for the woman that is truly for him, but he will stay with the woman he’s mistreating and using in the meantime. He may dog her out, then marry the woman who he feels is worth him changing for.
Or, he may marry the woman who does everything for him, just because she does just everything, but it will be a miserable marriage if he doesn’t love her and is just using her.
A man often will only change when and if he feels he has to, and only for the woman he truly desires. Mature men change for the better because they know it is right. Sometimes, they are inspired by the women in their lives.
The woman a man feels is worth him changing for very likely will be a woman who values herself and will hold him accountable. She won’t tolerate his antics. She will possess strong morals, feminine grace, and strength.
The man who mistreats his woman does not love her.
The same man who treats one woman like dirt can do a 180 for the right woman he truly loves, treat her like a queen, and marry her.
Value yourself and don’t settle for the man who does not value you. Your body belongs to God until you get married, and then your body belongs to your husband as well. Don’t play yourselves, ladies.
Love and respect yourselves. Keep holy standards as well as healthy boundaries and you will ward off those who mean you harm and only want to use you for sex and other things.
People who are up to no good and looking for easy targets are repelled by wise people with high standards.
There are plenty decent men out there. A godly, decent man will not require his lady to give him her body and everything else while he has not married her. This kind of man is a lot more rare though. The wait for the right, decent man may be long. It may be very long, but it is so worth the wait. I promise!
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