“Wives submit to your husbands! Wives submit! Obey your husbands!” I heard that a lot in various sermons preachd by different men. I am in agreement with wives submitting to their husbands. However, I understand that it does not stop at “Wives submit.” When I read Ephesians chapter 5, I see the complete picture; not just “wives submit.” Studying the word of God showed me that some of the teachings I heard were very unbalanced....
Did you ever hear false teaching about the roles of the husband and wife, particularly on headship and submission? Have you ever seen the mis-application of headship and submission? Godly headship does not mean superiority, abuser, tyrant, controller, user, etc. Headship is about servitude and responsibility. “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the...
Submission is not a dirty word. I learned this after studying God’s word for myself, and through prayer, I was able to see a clear picture of godly submission. Some people have twisted the meaning of it and abused it, to attempt to make it mean what they want it to mean. Some women seem to be petrified of the word, because of the abuse of it. Submission does not mean slavery, doormat, or inferior. Power...
Infidelity, disrespect, dishonesty, laziness, violence from their partners, deadbeat dads…why have so many women been so overly tolerant in relationships with their men? For one, women have been taught through social conditioning to put up with it. It is important to acknowledge that there are some nice men still out there. Regardless, some ladies have not been equipped to choose wisely, and have taken coinciding actions in their relationships with men. Some women choose to...
First, if you have not read the first post on this topic, you can find it here. I believe women have been commonly left in the dark when it comes to much of the behavior of some men. Some men have not been honest. Because women are not men, men can tell women something about men that is not true. Understandably, some women believe it. One of the falsehoods told to women is the fact...
The issues I will discuss do not apply to all men. There are wonderful men out there who are loyal and respect women as well as themselves. There are also men who have made mistakes in their past like anyone else, and perhaps used to be a player before, but have since matured and become better people. For current players, it is possible they still can change. God is in the business of changing hearts...
Feeling lonely? Bored? Dissatisfied? How can a man (or woman) be content? Many people believe that their happiness comes from their circumstances. Women often chase after the love of a man, but will this truly satisfy a woman? I used to be very consumed with finding Mr. Right. I am still learning to be content in every season. Truth is, we are only able to be content when we are in total surrender to the...
Feeling hungry for love and devalued after years of spiritual abuse and female degredation, I began a search for validation. I desired to be loved and accepted for who I was. I wanted to be valued, appreciated; not just tolerated, accused, and used. Within the religious circles I was exposed to, there was a lot of contempt and hostility toward women. I could not even depend on self-proclaimed men of God to love and respect...